"Hacking" is the use of a third party device or program to insert, delete or change code in a game. Now there are different things like glitching or hacking, 95% of people call this cheating as well, but they are wrong. Even the corresponding wikipedia article on this gets it wrong and needs to be updated ASAP.

Now we ask ourselves what is cheating in videogames? Its really simple! its the Input of cheatcodes,(and the input of console commands) nothing more nothing less. then there is still the cheating in sports or competitions. Next we have the definition for cheating in exams, if I look up the answers during an exam in university that is cheating as well. that is the definiton for cheating in card games or boards games. If I steal money from the bank in monopoly that is cheating as well. Yes, if I look my opponents in the cards and I know what cards he has, thats unfair and therefore cheating. What is cheating? If you search for a defeniton on google or wikipedia you likely get something that only describes the word in real life and not online, like getting an unfair advantage or something. cheating, people always call everything cheating and thats why we finally decided to make this copy text so that whoever tries to explain the differences does not have to write it over and over again, sometimes multiple times per week. Hackers are people that are able to HACK into yer FB Account and such. Początkowo opublikowane przez Agarillobob:I dunno I only ever see hackers and no cheaters since there are no cheat codes in this game Cheaters are people that use scripts in games to gain unfair advantage.